Ballots being placed in ballot box

LTA-At-Large Runoff Election

Hello all,

Thank you all for voting in our contract negotiation and LTA-at-large election a few months ago! As you know our new contract was approved by a vote of the membership and kicked in on January 1st.

You may have received a card recently informing you that we would be having a second election for the LTA-at-large position, and you should be receiving your ballot for said election in the coming weeks. As no candidate received an absolute majority of votes, we are holding a runoff election between the candidates who received the two highest vote totals, Don Isaacs and Catherine Reece. In case you didn’t get a chance to review them previously, you can see their candidate statements below.

Don Isaacs

Hello my name is Don Isaacs and I am an LTA at the Bellevue branch.  I have worked for KCLS for 34 years and have been a member of our Union since before it was a Union as I was part of the organizing committee. This year I was awarded the Mary Hershey Award from Council 2’s Women’s Action Committee.  This award is given to a Union brother or sister that has committed much time and energy to grow and sustain our Union and to represent us all when dealing with management.  I was honored to receive this award but was also  very shocked as I feel I have not done enough to be a recipient of this honor.  So that is why I am again running for a position on the Union Executive Board.

Catherine Reece

Hello – My name is Catherine Reece and I’m running for the LTA at Large position on our union’s eboard (executive board).   A little about me personally: I have been married for 42 years and have two grown children.  My loves are my family, working with children, reading (of course), dogs, cooking, and crafting.  I have lived all over the country – South, Midwest, West and the Pacific Northwest.  We have lived in King County for over 23 years.  

A little about me as a kcls employee and a union member:  I started at kcls in 2000 as a Page and have been an LTA for the last 19 years.  For the first 11 years I was a part time LTA, and then became a full time LTA 8 years ago.  During the years that I was a part time LTA, I subbed at every cluster in kcls.  As I was working part time as an LTA, and subbing as an LTA, I also worked a second job at an elementary school library for 12 years.  I understand first hand the issues of part time and full time LTAs and I constantly push for better treatment for LTAs and all staff.  For over 12 years I have assisted staff as a Union Steward.  I have brought many issues to the attention of our eboard and I have answered questions and concerns when staff contact me.  I would very much like to continue to be the voice on our union’s eboard for all kcls staff.  I would appreciate your vote. 

Thank You.

Thank you for reading, and watch your mailbox for those ballots!